M&A Speakers Series

Please join us for this exclusive event that will feature leaders in the (Defense, Government & Intelligence) (Security) (Critical Infrastructure) and (Marine) sectors.

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2022 Summer Speakers Series: Government, Intel, Security, and Infrastructure Mergers & Acquisitions

Event Schedule 

May 12th (9:30 am): A Global View by Former CIA Director General David Petraeus
May 26th (9:30 am): Growth & Value Perspectives in the Government Services Market
June 9th (9:30 am): The Evolution of Critical Event Management
June 16th (9:30 am): Market Opportunities in the Multi-Int Ecosystem
July 7th (9:30 am): New Capital Flows with A Renewed Interest in the Federal Market

About This Event:

The McLean Group is pleased to announce that it will be holding its Annual M&A Speakers Series that will feature 5 bi-weekly Thursday Morning Panels with topics tailored to Middle-Market companies serving the Defense & Government, Security, Infrastructure and Marine sectors.

The conference will kick off with a keynote presentation on Thursday, May 12th at 9:30 am followed by four panels every other Thursday morning. Each session is a one hour webinar.

Register To Attend

(Complimentary) (One Registration for the Entire Series)

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Note that registrations are reserved for industry CXOs, government, and investment professionals and subject to firm approval based on availability.


M&A Speaker Series Speakers