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Announcing Chad Wolf as Featured Speaker for McLean’s 2021 M&A and Valuation Summit

Chad Wolf MCLEAN, VA – The McLean Group is pleased to announce that former Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf will be our featured speaker for the “Investment Opportunities in Critical Infrastructure” discussion we will be hosting as part of our Spring M&A and Valuation Summit. Currently, Mr. Wolf is the Founder and President of Wolf Global Advisors, a strategic advisory and public policy firm helping private companies, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations address domestic and international security and risk challenges.

About Chad Wolf
Mr. Wolf served at The Department of Homeland Security under both President George W. Bush and President Donald J. Trump. He held numerous senior level positions including Assistant Administrator for The Transportation Security, Assistant Secretary, Chief of Staff, and was the first Senate-confirmed Under Secretary for Policy. From November of 2019 to January of 2021 Wolf served as the Acting Secretary where he oversaw an annual budget of approximately $47 billion, managed over 240,000 employees in 22 operating components and agencies to include the fifth branch of the Armed Services – the U.S. Coast Guard.

Wolf is a nationally recognized expert in counterterrorism, law enforcement, border security, immigration, emergency management, critical infrastructure, and economic security. During his time at DHS, he successfully navigated numerous global and domestic challenges to the nation’s security – including COVID 19, civil unrest, numerous border and immigration crises, historic natural disasters and threats to global aviation security.

About The Summit
In addition to Chad Wolf, the McLean Group’s 2021 Virtual M&A and Valuation Summit will feature a keynote address by General David Petraeus, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and current Partner at KKR & Co. This half day event will also be highlighted by six-panel discussions with 30+ C-level speakers from some of the most recognizable brands in Defense, Government & Intelligence (DGI), Security, and Critical Infrastructure. .

Learn more about this conference and register for this free event click here. Note that registrations are reserved for industry CXOs, government, and investment professionals and subject to firm approval based on availability.

About The McLean Group

For over 30 years, The McLean Group has been providing investment banking and financial services offerings focused on the Defense, Government & Intelligence (DGI), Security, Critical Infrastructure, Maritime, Facility Services, Unmanned Systems, and Public Safety markets. Our 60+ professionals bring deep industry experience and relentless execution to every client engagement. We provide solutions that blend financial creativity with operational expertise. Whether we are providing transaction advisory, valuation opinions, or growth capital, our services are unmatched in these core markets. Learn more at